40 Normat 51:1, 40 (2003)
Summary in English
Khadija Laghrida Christensen and
Ole Christensen, Linear independence
in function spaces. (Danish.) This ar-
ticle considers vector spaces generated
by some special functions, and exam-
ines whether their linear combinations
have unique representations. The au-
thors start with the most elementary
cases, namely, polynomials and trigono-
metric functions. Next they consider
complex exponential functions and some
more complicated systems of functions
which have recently attracted much at-
tention in pure mathematics as well as
in applied science. Finally, some open
problems related to those systems are
presented. These are easy to formulate,
but apparently very difficult to solve.
Kent Holing, When does the quartic
equation have constructible roots? (Nor-
wegian.) This article provides a simple
criterion for counting the number of con-
structible roots of a quartic equation
with rational coefficients. The answer is
given in terms of the number of ratio-
nal roots of the resolvent equation. After
some examples and exercises, the arti-
cle ends by connecting this result to the
computation of Galois groups of quartic
Gert Almkvist, Strings in moonshine
I. (Swedish.) The author considers vari-
ous special power series and Lambert se-
ries with integer coefficients, that arise
from linear differential equations. Some
of these curious series also turn up in
algebraic geometry and representation
theory, where their coefficients count the
numb e r of lines on particular algebraic
varieties or the dimensions of the rep-
resentations of particular groups. Here
the topic is approached from the point of
view of differential equations. The con-
straint of integer coefficients turns out to
be very tight. For one important class of
equations of the fourth order, only four-
teen such cases are known. The author
presents one of these cases, wh ich pos-
sesses an unexpected link to algebraic
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