144 Normat 52:3, 144 (2004)
Summary in English
Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen, Around
infinity (Danish.) The author discusses
the notion of infinity in the histori-
cal and philosophical context in which
it developed from Greek roots, such
as Zeno’s Paradoxes, to its mathemat-
ical clarification in the work of Can-
tor shortly before 1900. There is a lu-
cid treatment of the resolution of Zeno’s
Paradoxes by means of infinite series.
A discussion of the real number system
based on descending chains of intervals
leads to a proof of uncountability differ-
ent f rom the usual diagonal arguments.
The article ends with a little cardinal
arithmetic illustrated by Hilbert’s Ho-
Bengt Ulin, Even this many exam-
ples do not suffice. . . (Swedish.) The
author discusses a divisibility question
that links the binary and decimal rep-
resentations of integers. A binary string
can b e read in both the binary and deci-
mal systems, and then it represents two
distinct integers. The string 11 repre-
sents the integer three in the binary sys-
tem and the integer eleven in the d eci-
mal system. Now suppose an integer has
a decimal expansion with all digits equal
to 0 or 1, and suppose the integer is di-
visible by eleven. Will the integer ob-
tained by reading the same decimal ex-
pansion in the binary system be divisi-
ble by three? The integer 1111 = 101·11
is divisible by eleven, and the same
string of digits represents the integer 15
in the binary system. And 15 is divisible
by three. Trying other small and not so
small examples, the rule always holds.
But ultimately, very ultimately, it fails!
The author shows that this divisibility
rule holds for the first 237 590 integers
divisible by eleven and having only 0
and 1 in their decimal expansions, but
it fails for 101010101010101010101.
Maria Deijfen, Epidemics on social
graphs (Swedish.) In most mathemati-
cal models for the spread of epidemics,
the population in which the epidemic
takes place is assumed to be homoge-
neously mixing, that is, no s ocial struc-
ture is assumed to exist in the popula-
tion. In this work it is d esc ribed how
this very unrealistic assumption can be
relaxed in the Reed–Frost model, which
is one of the simplest stochastic mod-
els for epidemics. The social structure
is modelled by various types of ran-
dom graphs: Bernoulli graphs, Markov
graphs and small-world networks. For
each of these structures it is investigated
if it can be regarded as a good model for
a social network. Also, the effects on the
spread of the epidemic are quantified in
that asymptotic formulas for epidemi-
ological quantities like the basic repro-
duction number and the final size of the
epidemic are derive d.
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