48 Normat 53:1, 48 (2005)
Summary in English
Audun Holme, Editorial (Norwe-
gian). The new editor explains his vi-
sions for Normat.
Harald Hanche-Olsen, On the area
of curves (Norwegian). A brief history
of spacefilling curves. The article warms
up by showing that a curve of finite
length has zero area, then notes how
Cantor discove red that the unit interval
can be put in a one-to-one correspon-
dence with the unit square albeit not
in a continuous way. Peano found a con-
tinous mapping of the unit interval onto
the unit square, and Hilbert simplified
his construction. Finally, the author e x-
plains Osgo od’s construction of a simple
curve a Jordan arc of area arbitrarily
close to 1 lying inside the unit square.
Bengt Ulin, Pappus a juggler of pro-
portions (Swedish). The competence of
a good mathematics teacher includes
the ability of showing instructive and
fascinating history. The ancient mathe-
matician Pappus should be given much
more attention. As a geometer, he was
as ingenious as Archimedes . The aim
with the article is to show how Pappus,
thanks to brilliance and patience, beau-
tifully extended the arbelos theorems by
Archimedes , essentially using analogies
and similarity.
Dag Normann, On possible and ap-
parently impossible programming tasks
(Norwegian). The author discuss the
P = NP problem. Examples of NP
problems discussed are “the traveling
salesman problem”, “the partition prob-
lem”, and a problem related to the
“Mineswe eper” game. Examples of P
problems discussed are the solvability of
a finite set of linear equations and the
existence of Euler circuits. The paper is
Audun Holme, Lejeune Dirichlet
(Norwegian). A biographical sketch of
Lejeune Dirichlet.
Marius Overholt, Counting in num-
ber theory (Norwegian). The author
gives a brief exposition of the most el-
ementary aspects of the divisor prob-
lem of Dirichlet. This problem concerns
the asymptotic behaviour of the average
number of divisors of the integers from
1 to n as n tends to infinity. In 1849
Dirichlet gave a surprisingly good esti-
mate. In this article a weaker version of
his result is proved by an argument us-
ing the minimum of prerequisites.
Oddvar Iden, Construction of the reg-
ular heptadecagon (Norwegian).
C. F. Gauss showed that this construc-
tion problem leads to four quadratic
equations. The author points out that
by solving them geometrically (instead
of algebraically) one is guided step by
step to a c onstruction.
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