144 Normat 53:3, 144 (2005)
Summary in English
Uffe Thomas Jankvist and Nesli-
han Saßlanmak, What did they seek
and what did they find? Combinatoric
solutions for algebraic equations – from
Cardano to Cauchy – Part 2 (Danish).
A history of algebraic equation solving
before Gauss, Abel and Galois, more
specifically in the period from 1545
to 1815. In this second and conclud-
ing part of the article the authors, in
their search for usage of combinatorics,
permutations and invariance considera-
tions in algebraic equation solving, sur-
vey the methods of Lagrange, Ruffini
and Cauchy. The authors point to three
different approaches to algebraic equa-
tion solving; (1) symmetric functions of
roots, (2) substitutions, change of vari-
abels and elimination, and (3) the use
of n-th roots of unity and Lagrange re-
solvents. The authors conclude that the
work on algebraic equation solving in
the period from 1546 to 1770 has been
noticably important for the later so as-
tonishing contributions of Abel and Ga-
Hans Georg Kil li ngbergtrø, A gen-
eralization from Pascal’s Hexagon The-
orem to (4n + 2)-gons (Norwegian).
A classic theorem of Pascal states that
opposing sides of a hexagon inscribed in
a conic section meet in three collinear
points. The author reformulates this re-
sult, and generalizes it to (4n + 2)-gons.
Lars Kristiansen, The countable and
the over-countable (Norwegian).
The paper gives a nontechnical intro-
duction to the Continuum Hypothesis
and some related mathematical con-
cepts, such as uncountable sets and
diagonalization. Particular emphasis is
placed on making the exposition read-
able by a broad audience.
Leif Andersen and Vagn Lunds-
gaard Hansen, Mathematics in a Nau-
tilus Shell (Danish).
With an equiangular (logarithmic) spi-
ral as the point of departure, the au-
thors design a mathematical model of
a Nautilus shell. They establish a close
connection in the model between the
characteristic angle in the underlying
equiangular spiral and the golden angle.