Normat 54:1, 47–48 (2006) 47
Summary in English
Henrik Kragh Sørensen, The Scan-
dinavian Congresses of Mathematics
until the end of World War I. (Dan-
The modernisation of science and so-
ciety around the turn of the twentieth
century meant increasing specialisation
in mathematics and new importance
attached to international contacts. In
Scandinavia, from where mathemati-
cians had traditionally oriented them-
selves towards the mathematical centres
in Germany and France, an idea of in-
creased independent, regional coopera-
tion soon caught on. This was the vi-
sion of one very important and energetic
Swedish mathematician, in particular;
namely Gösta Mittag-Leer.
The Scandinavian countries shared a
common linguistic and cultural back-
ground to such an extent that acad-
emic exchange and coop eration would
be eased by it. Furthermore, they shared
the role of “small nations” in an increas-
ingly imperialistic world order. That
role, as small and most often neutral na-
tions, gave the Scandinavians the possi-
bility to mediate in regional and global
conflicts. After the dissolution of the
Union between Sweden and Norway
in 1905, the first Scandinavian (later
properly renamed “Nordic”) congress
of mathematics served as an extended
hand aimed at healing the wounds and
furthering professional cooperation.
Although nobody doubted the uni-
versal nature of mathematics, the Scan-
dinavian meetings b ec ame a welc ome
regional opportunity for professional
and more congenial exchanges. Four
such meetings were held before the end
of World War I; these meetings are
analysed and discusse d in the present
paper. This first part of the paper cov-
ers the congresses in 1909 and 1911; the
subsequent two will be covered in a sec-
ond part. In many ways, the story comes
full circle when the narrative reaches
1916: By then, Scandinavian mathe-
maticians had proved their worth to the
international world of mathematics, and
the role of the small nations in world
politics after the war was yet to be de-
The Scandinavian congresses of
mathematics constitute an integrated
part of the complex process of profes-
sionalisation of mathematics whereby
an identity as “a mathematician” was
being negotiated. Many of the discus-
sions be it the political ones or the
identity-forming ones took place in
the Scandinavian newspapers and these
newspapers have been extensively used.
They also provide an interesting per-
spective on the image of mathematics
as presented in the media.
Ülo Lumiste, Helmut Piirimäe,
Sven Dimberg, an introductor of New-
ton’s Principia into the University of
Tartu in the 1690s, part 2. Tran slation
by J. Peetre and S. Rodhe (Swedish.)
This is the second part of three deal-
ing with Sven Dimberg, a Swedish pro-
fessor of mathematics in Tartu, Estonia,
in the 1690s. He is supposed to have in-
troduced Newton’s Principia in the cur-
ricula of the university.
Dimbe rg’s activity at Tartu Univer-
sity is considered, including his teach-
ing, which mostly involved Newton’s
48 Summary in English Normat 1/2006
Principia. There is also a discussion of
the theses supervised by him. On his
own expense he bought “mathematical
instruments” for the university, as the
greedy King Charles XI did not provide
any funds for this purpose. In 1697 he
took a leave of absence and went to
Stockholm, his apparent purpose being
to apply for several professorships at
Uppsala. This leave was prolonged sev-
eral times, and Dimb erg never returned
to Tartu. In 1699 the university was
moved to the seaport Pärnu. Dimberg
got the assignment to design an astro-
nomical observatory on the roof of the
new university building there. The year
after, the devastating Great Northern
War broke out, eventually annihilating
a great part of the population of the
Province of Livonia (present day Es-
tonia and Latvia). Dimberg’s leave of
absence was prolonged several times,
but finally the new King Charles XII
get fed up with him, and, in 1701, he
was dismissed along with some other
disobedient professors. This put and
end to Dimbe rg’s academ ic career. Once
more, in 1703, he tried to apply for a
job in Uppsala, but to no avail. The
rest of his life Dimberg served as ju-
rist in the service of several law courts
first in Riga (1706-1709); the city fell to
the Russ ians the year after, and then in
Finland (Turku) and, finally, in Sweden.
In 1719, Dimberg was raised to nobility,
and he assumed the name Dimborg. In
1731 he died, childless, so his line died
out with him.
Audun Holme, Some glimpses from
the history of mathematics: The contro-
versy between Newton and Leibniz, and
a little more. (Norwegian).
The author gives a brief account
of Newton’s childhood and education,
his early career and appointment to
the Lucasian Chair at Cambridge, suc-
ceeding Barrow. Wallis, whose work
inspired Newton very much, was en-
gaged in a bitter debate with the im-
portant philosopher Hobbes, ostensibly
over geometry but probably in reality
over free thinking atheism versus pious
Christian faith.
The great and tragic controversy
was, however, the one between Ne wton
and Leibniz. Newton felt convinced that
Leibniz had plagiarized his great work,
which constitutes the foundation for our
present day mathematical analysis and
calculus. But no scientist works in a vac-
uum, and these ideas were, arguably, so
to say in the air at the time of New-
ton and Leibniz. The author briefly in-
dicates the dierence between Newton’s
and Leibniz’ approaches.
Newtons theory was dicult to
grasp, while Leibniz had a more sugges-
tive notation and was more easily ac-
cessible. The diculty in Newton’s the-
ory met with scorching criticism from
Berkeley, and Hooke was no friend og
Newton’s. Halley, however, supported
Newton and his work in ways which
were quite decisive.
In continental Europe the mathe-
maticians, siding with Leibniz, lost no
time in availing themselves of the the-
ory and notation develope d by him.
Among them the mathematical fam-
ily Bernoulli were particularly impor-
tant. Johann Bernoulli p ose d the fa-
mous problem of the baristochrome, in
his journal Acta Eruditorum. The prob-
lem was sent to Newton, now warden of
the Royal Mint. Some say this was done
to embarrass him, but Newton immedi-
ately solved the problem.
The author concludes w ith a short
account of Niels Henrik Abel’s work, as
a young boy, with a vastly more general
problem, anticipating the modern the-
ory of integral equations.