96 Normat 55:1, 96 (2007)
Summary in English
Helge Tverberg, Ernst S.Selmer in
memoriam (Norwegian).
E.Selmer who was chief editor of Nor-
mat for a quarter of a century is chiefly
known for the so called Selmer groups in
connection with diophantie cubic equa-
tions, playing a crucial rôle in Wiles
work on the Fermat Conjecture (see
the article by L.Olson below). This is
a short review of his life and work, an
elabouration of a talk given at a memo-
rial conference earlier this year.
Loren D.Olson, Selmergroups - a his-
torical review (Norwegian).
This is an overview of different groups
that occur in connection with the diop-
hantine study of ellipt curves. Examples
are of course not only the Mordell-Weil
group and the Tate-Shafarevich groups
but also of course the groups called Sel-
mer groups which fit into the compu-
tation of the previous in a well-known
short exact sequence.
Dan Laksov, Linear maps and linear
recursion (Norwegian).
This paper studies the solutions to li-
near recursions as special linear maps
of rings of polynomials in one variab-
le. This is so to speak the dual point of
view to what is to be found in the li-
terature and gives a natural connection
to the general theory of linear recursion.
In this way the results appear in a clea-
rer light, the proofs become simpler, and
one is naturally led to generalizations
of the theory. In particular it transpi-
res that the restriction to finite fields,
or more generally to periodic sequences,
which are predominant in the literature,
is unnecessary for most considerations.
This is illustrated by a detailed presen-
tation of the theory of multigrams.
Jan-Erik Björk och Jan Boman,
The wrench of Fuglesang and encoun-
ters in space (Swedish) .
Fuglesang is the first Swedish astronaut
and his space-walk attracted a lot of at-
tention in Swedish media. In particular-
ly it was rumoured that he dropped his
wrench during the walk, and specula-
tion was rife whether it would return
to the space ship after having circled
the Earth. In the article this question
is investigated in detail through celes-
tial mechanics with pertubation theory.
Furthermore it discusses how marginal
the influence of distant bodies such as
the Moon and the Sun would be on the
problem. The conclusion is that it is
highly unlikely that the tool would pass
sufficiently close to the space ship after
completing an orbit for it to be possible
to retrieve it.
Bengt Ulin, Triangles of the same cir-
cumference and area (Swedish).
Triangles up to congruence form a 3-
dimensional space, and specifying cir-
cumference and area means fixing two
parameters. One hence expects to find a
1-dimensional family. In the article this
is approached from a classical perspec-
tive with explicit calculations of examp-
les. One also notes that for right-angled
triangles the conditions uniquely deter-
mine the triangle, while there will be
two isocles triangles with specified cir-
cumference and area, one of which has
an angle in excess of sixty degrees. In
the degenerate case, the specifications
determine the equilateral triangle.