144 Normat 55:3, 144 (2007)
Summary in English
Henrik Kragh Sørensen and Hel-
ge S.Kragh, Longomontanus og cirk-
lens kvadratur (Danish).
Longomontanus was a Dane living in
the first half of the 17th century. He
is mostly known as an astronomer and
a disciple of Tycho Brahe, but he al-
so dabbled in mathematics, being ob-
sessed with the classical problem of
the quadrature of the circle. He pub-
lished a lot which was mercifully neg-
lected by the international community
until it came under scathing criticism
of John Pell. In the paper his numerolo-
gical musings in astronomy are related
to his quadratures, some of his proofs
are discussed along with Pells refutation
of them, leading to a general analysis of
the practice of mathematics at the time.
Eggert Briem, Approximation i ende-
lig dimensionale rum (Danish).
The well-known Stone-Weierstrass
claims that any real continuos function
on a compact subset of R
can be uni-
formly approximated by the elements of
an algebra which contains the constant
functions and separates points. A parti-
cular case is that of polynomials. In the
complex valued case one also need to
add the condition of being closed under
complex conjugation, as uniform con-
vergences of polynomials are analytic.
In the article a weakening of the multi-
plicative condition of the set of approxi-
mating functions is being discussed.
Juliusz Brzezinski , Komposition av
kvadratiska former - från Gauss till
Bhargava (Swedish).
The young Indian mathematician Bhar-
gava recently presented a new way
of looking at Gauss classical com-
position of integral quadratic binary
forms, which has opened up the pos-
sibility of generalizing it systematically
with applications to class-field theory.
The article is an introduction to the
works of Bhargava. In it the reader can
learn about Gauss classical work, and
in particular the correspondence betwe-
en such forms and ideals in quadratic
rings, which explains why it all should
work. In the context of Bhargava tri-
linear maps can be associated with ’cu-
bical’ matrices which are being treated
Ulf Persson, SO(4) och S
The 3-dimensional sphere can be
thought of as a union of two solid to-
ri glued along their boundaries. Those
come from torus-fibrations, and this
short note explores some elementary
facts of how SO(4) operates on them
with connections to Hopf fibrations and
quaternionic multiplication.
Rättelse Normat 2007:2
Selmer blev mycket riktigt 86 år. Han
föddes 1920 och dog därmed 2006, och
inget annat år, som det tyvärr råka-
de stå i överskriften till Tverbergs runa
över Selmer i förra numret. Denna fadäs
beklagas djupt av huvudredaktören som
ensam bär det fullständiga ansvaret.
Ulf Persson