96 Normat 56:2, 96 (2008)
Summary in English
Nils Baas and Christian Skau, Sel-
bergintervjuet II- Såldmetoden, Prim-
tallsatsen og Erdös (Norwegian).
This is part two of four of an interview
with Atle Selberg. It is mainly mathe-
matical. It takes up the story after his
completion of his doctorate and how he
through the methods of sieves was ab-
le to get an elementary proof (i.e. not
using complex analysis) of the prime
number theorem. A few years later he
was awarded the Fields medal, partly
because of this. However, partial results
of his leaked out, and Paul Erdös pick-
ed up on them, and saw how they could
be exploited for that purpose. His int-
erference greatly irritated Selberg, who
tried to throw him off the scent by tel-
ling him that it did not work. This back-
fired as it only provoked Erdös, who was
able to prove a crucial formula, and led
him to believe that he had succeeded
where Selberg had failed. Erdös then
considered the proof of the Prime Num-
ber Theorem (including the basis provi-
ded by Selberg) to be joint work, which
Selberg refused and was later able to
provide an elementary proof also wit-
hout Erdös result. The controversy has
been a painful subject to Selberg and
he has deliberately suppressed it. But at
the interview he displayed a confidenti-
al referee report on the matter written
by H. Weyl to N. Jacobson and which
was given to him as Weyl left the In-
stitute. In that report Weyl corrobora-
tes Selberg by presenting his view that
the achievement was fully due to Sel-
berg himself.
R. Høibakk, T. Jorstad,
D.Lukkasen and P. Lystad, Integer
crossed ladders; parametric representa-
tions and minimal integer values. (Eng-
Two crossed ladders of given length are
leaning against two opposite vertical
walls at a given height. Determine the
distance between the walls, and where
the ladders touch the walls, with parti-
cular emphasis on integral solutions.
Frank Bengtson, Om Bingospil (Da-
This explores various combinatorial as
well as probabilistic aspects of the game
Bingo, in which random ’tablets’ with
numbers arranged rectangularly are to
be matched with a given sequence being
called out.
Hans Georg Killingbergtræ, Paral-
lel axial Helixes in the double winding
surface (Norwegian).
In addition to the usual family of coaxi-
al helixes on a winding surface cut out
by concentric cylinders there are also
excentric ones cut out by cylinders con-
taining the axis. Those are naturally
appearing as contours of the shadow for-
med by light falling on the surface.