144 Normat 56:3, 144 (2008)
Summary in English
Nils A. Baas and Christian F.
Skau, The Selberg interviewt III - The
Riemann hypotheis and the trace for-
mula (Norwegian).
This is the third part of the interview
with Selberg. This is more mathemat-
ical than the previous parts, discussing
the significance of the Riemann hypoth-
esis, and explicitly writing out the trace
formula. Selberg acknowledges that the
latter is probably his most important
contribution, at least the one with the
greatest number of applications. He also
reveals some of the ideas he has had in
the last decades to prove the Riemann
Patrik Lundström, Pythagorean
triplets in six different ways (Swedish).
Six different ways of parametrising
Pythagorean triplets are presented,
from the elementary arguments sup-
plied by the Greek, via trigonometry
to Gaussian integers and applications of
Hilbers 90th theorem.
Hans G.Killingbergtrø, Parallel ax-
ial helixes in the double winding surface
The contour of the shade caused by par-
allel light-rays falling on a winding sur-
face forms a helix, cut out by an excen-
tric cylinder containing the axis of the
surface. The presence of such helixes, as
opposed to the obvious concentric ones,
cut out by cylinders whose central axi
coincide with that of te surface, seems
not to have been pointed out previously
in the literature.
Morten Eide Tangent Circles and
tetracyclic coordinates (Norwegian).
A natural angular distance between cir-
cles is introduced, leading to a repre-
sentation of circles as vectors in a 4-
dimensional space (tetracyclic), going
back to Darboux (and Clifford). This is
applied to prove the so called Arbelos
theorem, as well as the theorem of Pap-
pus and to give relations between the
radi of the eight circles tangent to three
given ones.
Ulf Persson Periodic decimal expan-
sions (Swedish).
Some elementary but striking properties
of periodic expansions of fractions with
periods of maximal length are discussed,
such as the almost equidistribution of
digits and combinations thereof.