96 Normat 57:2, 96 (2009)
Summary in English
David Cox, Why Eisenstein proved the
Eisenstein criterion and why Schöne-
mann discovered it first.
The Eisenstein criterion is well-known
to all students of algebra, and it gives
a very simple proof of the irreducibility
of the cyclotomic polynomial Θ
(x) =
+ x
+ · · · + 1 for p prime. The
irreducibility was (of course) known to
Gauss but via a much more compli-
cated proof. Simple ideas almost always
arrive through tortuous detours, and
the Eisenstein criterion being no excep-
tion, was originally stated for Gaussian
integers in connection with polynomi-
als associated to the division problem
on the lemniscate! When it was pub-
lished in Crelle in 1850, it provoked a
complaint from a now forgotten math-
ematician Schönemann (1812-68) who
had published a different proof of what
was essentially the same criterion in the
same journal only a few years earlier.
His formulation is maybe even more el-
egant. Assume that f(x) ∈ Z[x] is of
degree n > 0 and that there is some
prime p and an integer a such that
f(x) = (x − a)
+ pF (x). If F (a) 6= 0(p)
then f(x) irreducible mod p
. This can
be applied to the well known fact that
− 1 = (x − 1)
(p) for p prime to get
the irreducibility of Θ
Schönemann not only deserves the
priority for the Eisenstein criterion (and
for some time his name was actually at-
tached to Eisenstein’s) but he also anti-
cipated Hensel’s lemma (which, how-
ever, in some weaker form was later
found in the Nachlaß of Gauss), and
did work out a theory for finite fields, al-
though of course scooped by both Gauss
and Galois. Yet the modern presenta-
tion of the latter subject did not appear
until the very end of the 19th century
when lectured on by E.H. Moore.
In addition to the main story a sur-
vey of the remarkable achievements of
Gauss and Abel on elliptic functions
is presented as providing the backdrop
to the work of Schönemann and Eisen-
stein. Incidentally, the modern notion
of an Abelian group, abstracted from
the complicated equations on division
points studied by Abel, did not appear
until 1896 in Weber’s classical Lehrbuch
der Algebra.
Lars Gårding, Näringskedjor
A food-chain is an ordered collection of
populations feeding on each other. A
simple linear model for the variations of
the populations is introduced. A condi-
tion for stability, i.e. that the variations
of the populations are bounded, is that
all the eigenvalues of the corresponding
matrices lie on the unit-circle. The pop-
ulations will then vary cyclically. The
condition gives some restrictions on the
fertility and life-expectancies of the var-
ious populations. Special cases of sim-
ple chains are studied and compared
with real-life data, with some remark-
able good fits.
Trond Steihaug and D.G. Rogers,
A minimum requiring angle trisection.
Given a piece of foldable material (e.g.
paper) in the shape of a right-angled
triangle. Fold it by placing the right-
angled corner on the hypothenuse. How
should this be done in order to mini-
mize the area of the folded triangle? The
problem leads to a cubic equation whose
relevant solution turns out to involve an
angle trisection (and thus obtainable by
a succession of foldings). Variations of
the problem are considered, in particu-
lar letting one of the acute corners in-
stead be placed on the opposite side.