Normat 57:3, 107–115 (2009) 107
Real Toric Surfaces
Oksana V. Znamenskaya, Alexey V. Shchuplev
Almost every course in topology starts with the notion of the manifold. The variety
of examples used to visualize this important concept includes the projective space.
This simple non-trivial example is particularly useful, because it allows to write
down explicitly formulas for all related notions such as charts, trivializations, and
transition functions. It is also important that these formulas are elementary, they
use only monomial functions. This property identifies an important class of alge-
braic manifolds called toric varieties. Apart from affine, projective, and weighted
projective spaces, they include their products, Hirzebruch surfaces and many other
interesting manifolds.
Another kind of examples used for the demonstration of basic properties of
manifolds is the so-called classical surfaces: the sphere, the torus, the Klein bottle,
the double torus, and so on. In general, a classical surface is a sphere, or a connected
sum of either tori or real projective planes. The process of triangulating or gluing
them from their fundamental polygons can be easily demonstrated to the audience,
which further enhances their educational value.
A question arises here whether we can analyze a real two-dimensional manifold
from these both angles. In other words, if there is a compact smooth real surface
which admits an atlas with monomial transition mappings, i.e., whether an example
of the real toric surface can be found.
The obvious answer is that such a surface exists and that it is the torus. The
latter is the real part of the product of two Riemann spheres. Since this product is
a toric variety, the torus is a real toric variety. However, this is the only example of
a smooth orientable compact surface admitting such an atlas. In this note we offer
an elementary proof of this fact.
Definition. A complex toric variety is an irreducible variety X such that
1. The algebraic torus (C
= (C r {0})
is a Zariski open subset of X;
2. The multiplicative action of (C
on itself extends to an action of (C
As already noted, the most basic examples of toric varieties are the algebraic torus
, the affine space C
, and the projective space P
. In general, a toric variety