144 Normat 57:3, 144 (2009)
Summary in English
Marius Overholt, Summer av to
kvadrat (Norwegian).
The characterization of numbers repre-
sentable as the sum of two squares in
terms of their divisors has been known
since the 17th century (Girard, Fermat)
but not proved until 18th century (Eu-
ler). A refinement involving the number
R(n) of representations of n as sum of
two squares was proved by Jacobi using
theta functions. This article starts out
by reproducing a very elementary proof
due to Heath-Brown of Fermats char-
acterization of primes of type 4n + 1.
Then it turns to discussing problems
concerning asymptotic distribution, oc-
curence in prescribed intervals, infinite
occurences of patterns such as n, n +
, n + h
. . . h
for fixed h
(It is shown
that n, n + 1, n + 2 occurs infinitely of-
ten, but of course n, n + 1, n + 2, n + 3
may never all be sums of two squares.)
Those are compared with the corre-
sponding statements for primes. One
may note that the asymptotic behaviour
of B(x) =
1 is more diffi-
cult to prove (Landau) than the prime
number theorem, but the corresponding
problem of R(x) =
taking into account the number R(n) of
representations of n is much easier to
handle and can naturally be linked with
elementary asymptotic formulas for the
number of lattice points inside circles as
observed by Gauss. Finally one may ex-
pect that every interval [x, x + h] con-
tains a sum of two squares if h > C log x
for some suitable constant C, but so far
it has only been shown for h > Cx
But if we relax the condition to almost
all such intervals, there is a complete so-
O. Znamenskaya & A. Shchuplev,
Real Toric Surfaces.
In this note is proved that every real
toric smooth orientable surface is topo-
logically a torus. The presentation is
self-contained and uses no prior knowl-
edge of toric varieties.
A. Percy and D. G. Rogers, Al-
ternative route: from van Schooten to
A cyclic quadrilateral is a polygon with
four vertices, all of which lie on a cir-
cle. Such enjoy some special properties.
It is well-known that the sum of oppo-
site angles always add up to π, it is
maybe less well-known that the rect-
angle formed by the diagonals has the
same area as the sum of the rectangles
made up by opposite sides. The latter
is known as Ptolemy’s theorem. It has
many consequences, not only of trigono-
metric computations, but also of justi-
fyinhg the elegant solution of the Dutch
mathematician van Schooten (1615-60)
of constructing the minimal sum of dis-
tances from a point to the vertices of a
triangle, a problem posed as a challenge
by Fermat. The article gives a historical
survey and indicates how van Schottens
construction could serve as an inspira-
tion by ’cutting and pasting’ to suggest
and prove Ptolemy’s theorem.
Ulf Persson, Trianglar med givna om-
skrivna och inskrivna cirklar.(Swedish)
This is a second article in a series of
three, concerning 1-dimensional families
of triangles. In this case those with given
circumscribed and inscribed radii - R, r
are presented. The construction of such
families is a special case of Poncelet’s
theorem, exploiting the approach via el-
liptic curves, initiated by Jacobi.