192 Normat 57:4, 192 (2009)
Summary in English
Johan Hoffman and Claes John-
son, The Mathematical secret of Flight.
Are you afraid of flying? If so there may
be little comfort in being assured by
NASA that all the popular explanations
of flight are wrong and furthermore that
no authoritative explanation is availab-
le. The purpose of this article is to gi-
ve a new mathematical (and physical)
explanation of the phenomenon of flight
intending to plug up this disconcerting
gap. Whether it will actually assuage
your fears is quite another matter.
The explanation is based on com-
putational solutions to the standard
mathematical model of fluid mechanics
- the Navier-Stokes/Euler equations, so-
lutions which have recently led to new
discoveries of the dynamics of turbulent
air-flows around a wing. It is shown that
the large lift/drag quotient required is
effected by a fortunate combination of
certain features of slightly viscous in-
compressible flow including a crucial in-
stability mechanism.
The lift L is caused by the down-wash
of air engineered by the wing, while the
drag D is counteracted by leading ed-
ge suction. The great mystery is how a
small amount of drag can generate so
much lift. In fact L/D needs to be lar-
ge (10 or more) to make flight feasib-
le. Elementary considerations by New-
ton, later refined by d’Alembert showed
that flight was mathematically impos-
sible. This is known as d’Alemberts pa-
radox. The feat of the brothers Wright
further rubbed in theoretical embarrass-
ment. The Russian Zhukovsky saved
fluid-dynamics from complete collapse
by explaining how lift was generated
through the perturbation by a circu-
lar flow, supplemented by an explana-
tion of drag in terms of a viscous boun-
dary layer later given by the physi-
cist Prandtl. Those were, however, not
enough to transform the art of an air-
craft engineer into a science, and are in
fact shown to be incorrect. The classical
fallacy was to concentrate on the poten-
tial flow, a highly unstable mathemati-
cal solution with no physical relevance.
Instead one should consider the far more
stable solution involving a turbulent flu-
ctuating layer. Lift and drag are insepa-
rable, generated by the same mechanism
of counter-rotating low-pressure rolls of
the turbulently swirling flow.
Olav Gebhardt og Marius Over-
holt, Et kombinatorisk kuriosum (Nor-
Given n strands of black and white pe-
arls, each of length k. Assume that each
pair of strands agree in at least m more
positions than they disagree, and that
at each position the excess number of
pearls of one color over the other across
the strands is at most d. The authors
find a necessary condition on n,k,m and
d, and prove it both combinatorially
and by linear algebra.
Tord Sjödin, Gram-Schmid’s algoritm
för en allmän vinkel(Swedish).
The classical Gram-Schmid algorithm
allows you to exhibit an orthogonal ba-
sis with respect to a positive definite
form (the normalization that each basis
element has length one is of course tri-
vial). In this paper the question is posed
whether it also works when orthogona-
lity is replaced with some other angle θ.
The author shows that it is possible if
and only if −
< cos θ < 1 where n
is the dimension of the space.