48 Normat 58:1, 48 (2010)
Summary in English
Loren D. Olson, Abelprisen 2010 -
John Tate. (Norwegian).
In connection with the awarding of
the Abel Prize to John Tate, a short
presentation of his work is presented
along with some personal reminiscences
of Tate by the author. The emphasis
is put on Tate’s work on elliptic cur-
ves, especially what relates to Tate-
Shafarevic groups, L-series and their
connections to Mordell-Weil and the
Birch/Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture.
L. Gårding and P-A. Ivert, Antalet
egenvärden under en stor gräns (Swe-
The purpose is to give an elementa-
ry heuristic proof of a formula for the
number of eigenvalues of a vibrating
membrane in R
described by an ellip-
tic linear differential equation. The for-
mula, that goes back to Herman Weyl
and has been developed further by Cou-
rant, Carleman and Hörmander, says
that asymptotically the number N (λ) of
eigenvalues below λ is given by
where B is the region formed by the
membrane and p(x, ξ) is the characte-
ristic equation of the principal part of
the relevant differential operator. The
key idea (going back to Weyl and known
as maximum-minimum principle) is to
consider the energy of the vibrating
membranes, which can be expressed as
a quadratic form E(u, u) of the derivati-
ves of u and consider the successive mi-
nima of the quotients E(u, u)/(u, u) on
decreasing sequences of closed subspa-
ces defined inductively and giving ri-
se to the eigenfunctions. More precise-
ly the successive minima will constitute
the eigenvalues, and the decreasing se-
quence of closed subspaces will be for-
med by the orthogonal complements to
the increasing sequences of subspaces
spanned by the eigenvectors.
The argument is carried through
for operators with constant coefficients,
and the general case is indicated by so-
me handwaving.
John K. Dagsvik, Elliptiske Integra-
ler I (Norwegian).
The aim of the article is to give an
elementary proof of Abel’s generaliza-
tion of additions theorems for elliptic
integrals. In addition an elementary di-
scussion of the preceding achievements
of especially Euler, Legendre (the first
to study such integrals systematically)
and Lagrange is presented. This invol-
ves recalling standard examples of el-
liptic integrals such as the computation
of arc-lengths of ellipses and lemnisca-
tes as well as calculating the period of a