192 Normat 58:4, 192 (2010)
Summary in English
Ulf Persson, Oktahedergruppen och
dess generaliseringar III - Oktaplexen.
The octaplex is a self-dual regular po-
lyhedron in 4-dimensional space, con-
sisting of 24 octahedral cells. It has
no analogue in any other dimension. It
can easily be constructed out of the 4-
dimensional hypercube (8-cell), by eit-
her adding vertices corresponding to
each of the eight cubical cells, or consi-
dering mid-points of its 24 edges. There
is a rich combinatorial structure. The
vertices split up naturally in three di-
sjoint sets each making up a 16-cell (the
dual to the 8-cell, consisting of tetrahed-
ronal cells), any two of which make up
a 8-cell. Those sub-polyhedra are per-
muted under the symmetry group of the
Octaplex which turn out to be a non-
normal extension of the 4-dimensional
octahedral group of index three.
The symmetry group of the Octap-
lex is then considered in some detail,
identifying all of its conjugacy classes
and their geometric interpretations. Dif-
ferent projections of the Octaplex are
presented, some of which show startling
symmetries, as can be gleaned from the
If R
is naturally identified with the
Hamiltonian quaternions H one of the
16-cells can be identified with the qua-
ternion subgroup Q of H
given by
±1, ±i, ±j, ±k, while more spectacular-
ly the full octaplex O of 24 elements,
also make up a subgroup of H
. Note
that O is not isomorphic with S
. The
symmetry group of the octaplex O can
be represented as given by linear trans-
formations of the type x 7→ axb and a
complete identification of the elements
a, b ∈ H occurring is given. Those make
up two distinct Octaplexes O, O
, dual
to each other.
Finally the solvable structure of the
group is presented in a variety of diffe-
rent ways.
Ulf Persson, Appendix: Heisenberg-
gruppen (Swedish)
This is a proof of the claim that a na-
turally appearing subgroup of 32 ele-
ments in the previous article (namely
Q × Q divided out by the subgroup
(1, 1), (−1, −1) where Q is the quater-
nion group of 8 elements) is actually
isomorphic with the discrete Heisenberg
group H
(Z/2Z) of 32 elements of 4 × 4
matrices of type
1 a c
0 I
0 0 1
where a, b ∈ Z
, c ∈ Z
and I
a 2 × 2 identity matrix.
Marc Bezem, Euclid’s Lemma Revi-
A ’minimal’ proof of the fact that a pri-
me p dividing ab divides at least one of
the factors a, b is presented without in-
voking the Euclidean algorithm.