64 Pernille Hviid Petersen Normat 2/2011
Smales paper from 1980
Smales paper from 1980 is called On how I got started in dynamical systems and
consists of a rather informal description of his early work in dynamical systems,
which among other things includes the discovery of the horseshoe. As me ntioned
in the beginning Smale does not in his 1980 paper consider the connection between
the horse shoe and the shift automorphism to be the most important aspect of the
horseshoe. Actually he does not even mention this connection. Instead he more
or less explicitly states that the most important aspect of the horseshoe is its
structural stability. I believe, that the reason for this is that the 1980 paper mainly
is concerned with the development which led to the discovery of the horseshoe. The
reason for the view of the 1980 paper is in other words the context of the paper.
In 1956 Smale finished his thesis in topology, and according to himself he consid-
ered himself mainly a topologist [Smale, 1980, p. 150]. Nevertheless he became more
and more interested in ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems, and
in 1959 he wrote his first paper on dynamical systems [Smale, 1960]. This paper
was about Morse inequalities for a class of dynamical systems, that later has been
named Morse-Smale dynamical systems, and which among other things is charac-
terised by having a finite number of fixed points and periodic orbits. In the paper
Smale conjectured, that the Morse-Smale dynamical systems form an open dense
set in the space of all ordinary differential equations [Smale, 1960, p. 43], [Smale,
1980, p. 148].
After his article on the Morse-Smale systems was published in 1960 Smale re-
cieved a letter from Norman Levison. In this letter Levinson pointed out, that
Smales conjecture about the Morse-Smale systems being open and dense in the
space of all ordinary differential equations could not be true, since an earlier paper
of Levinson contained a c ounterexample to it. Levinsons paper was a simplification
of the work on the Van der Pol equation done by Cartwright and Littlewood [Smale,
1980, p. 149], [Guckenheimer, 1980, p. 987]. In an article from 1998 Smale says, that
he had to work hard to translate Levinsons counterexample into a more geometric
form before he was convinced that Levinson was right and that his own conjecture
was wrong [Smale, 1998, p. 41]. The geometric version of Levinsons counterex-
ample which came out of Smales struggle was the horse shoe . The horseshoe is a
counterexample to Smales early conjecture because of its structural stability, which
as mentioned above means that there is an open neighborhood of the horseshoe
mapping such that every mapping in this neighborhood is topologically conjugate
to the horseshoe. Since the horseshoe possesses a countable infinity of periodic
orbits, Smales early conjecture thus can not be right.
It would be fair to say, that one of the main developments that Smale describes
in his 1980 paper is the development of his own understanding of the space con-
sisting of all ordinary differential equations. In this development the discovery of
the horseshoe played a central role, because it was this discovery that made Smale
realise, that his early comprehension of the structure of this space was wrong. And
regarding this realisation the structural stability of the horseshoe is completely