130 Juliusz BrzeziÒski and Ulf Persson. Normat 3-4/2011
have to mark on our list all polynomials corresponding to (P (a, b),Q(a, b)),where
P (a, b) = 3(a
≠ab + b
), Q(a, b)=a
b ≠6ab
+ b
, a, b œ Z,sincetheydefine
the same field as (3, 1). The next pair is (7, 7) and in practise, we check whether it
is marked by solving P (a, b)=7,Q(a, b)=7. It is unmarked, so it defines a new
field – the splitting field of X
≠ 7X +7. Now we mark all the pairs, which give
polynomials defining the same field as this polynomial according to Lemma 5.1, but
in practise, we check whether a pair is marked when we know the status of all ear-
lier pairs. For example, the next pair is (9, 9) and we check that this pair is marked
because of the pair (3, 1) as the corresponding system P (a, b)=9, Q(a, b)=9has
a solution a = ≠1,b =1. Hence , we mark this polynomial. The same can be said
about (12, 8), but the next pair (13, 13) is not represented as P (a, b),Q(a, b) neither
for (3, 1) or (7, 7), so it gives a new field. We continue the algorithm in this way. The
polynomials, which are unmarked on our list give different cubic Galois fields and
have the least possible coefficients among the trinomials having the same splitting
field. Thus, they are the minimal canonical polynomials defining these fields.
The reason this works is, because as remarked before Lemma 5.1, the traceless
integral elements of a cubic Galois field form a rank one module over Z[Á],which
is generated (up to a unit) by an element x
. The polynomial corresponding to
is the original unmarked polynomial (the minimal canonical), and furthermore
all “multiples” of the minimal canonical polynomials form a partition of all cubic
(traceless) polynomials, i.e. they never meet unless they coincide. Finally the pro-
cess works even if we are not able to mark all the infinite number of “multiplies”.
Say that we are only interested in (p, q) such that p Æ P
with P
given in advan-
ce. We then look at the finite number of pairs (a, b) such that the corresponding
p(a, b) Æ P
and restrict our marking to those. What is left unmarked remains
unmarked no matter how many more (a, b ) we will consider. This process can be
easily implemented on a computer and on the inside of the back cover you can find
a table presenting the beginning of a run.
[C] H. Cohen, A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory, GTM 138,
Springer-Verlag, New York, Heidelberg, Berlin, 1993.
[CR] C. W. Curtis, I. Reiner, Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative
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[IR] K. Ireland, M. Rosen, A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory, GTM
84, Springer-Verlag, New York, Heidelberg, Berlin, 1990.
[L] S. Lang, Algebra, GTM 211, Springer-Verlag, New York, Heidelberg, Berlin, 2002.