192 Normat 59:3-4, 192 (2011)
Summary in English
Juliusz Brzezinski, What you should
know about cubic and quartic equations
The title says it all. This is intended
to be a standard reference for giving
the Galois group of cubic and especially
quartic polynomials.
Juliusz Brzezinski and Ulf Pers-
son, How to describe all cubic Galois
Given a cubic Galois extension over Q
an algorithm for finding a minimal de-
fining cubic is described in terms of Ei-
senstein integers. In particular one is ab-
le to determine whether two such cubic
extensions are isomorphic or not.
Christian U. Jensen, The inverse
problem of Galois theory
A survey of the inverse Galois problem
and variations thereof. Hilbert’s irredu-
cibility Theorem, the Noether problem
and the notion of G-generic polynomials
(G referring to a specific Galois group)
are discussed, both as approaches and
as elaborations. The most common Ga-
lois group over the rationals for polyno-
mials of degree n is S
but it is hard
to exhibit explicit families of polyno-
mials of degree n, n running through the
natural numbers, with S
as a Galois
group. It has been shown that all solvab-
le groups occur, and that all sporadic
simple groups with the possible excep-
tion of the Mathieu group M
occur as
well as many classical groups.
Juliusz Brzezinski, Galois groups and
number theory.
This provides a crash-course on alge-
braic number theory with special
empha- sizes of the role played by the
Galois groups. The standard facts on
splitting and ramification of primes in
the rings of algebraic integers are pre-
sented, preparing for a short discus-
sion of class field theory. Special at-
tention is given to the fact that eve-
ry abelian extension is contained in so-
me cyclotomic extension, the so cal-
led Kronecker-Weber theorem. Possib-
le generalizations of this theorem have
constituted a guiding inspiration for al-
gebraic numb er theory starting with
Kronecker himself (his famous Jugend-
traum) and included by Hilbert in his
famous list of twenty-three. For this
purpose the association of a holomorp-
hic function to an irreducible represen-
tation of the non-abelian Galois group,
the so called Artin L-function has be-
en ce ntral. Artin conjectured that those
should be entire functions and was ab-
le to verify it for 1-dimensional repre-
sentations via identifications with s uit-
able Dirichlet characters. This leads to
the first taste of the Langlands pro-
gram and the possible connections with
automorphic c uspidal representations of
GL(n, Q). T his play a central role in
Wiles proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem,
and the connection with Taniyama-
Shimura-Weil and elliptic curves is sket-
ched, along with the definition of the
Hasse-Weil L-function. A brief discus-
sion on when the two L-functions can be
showed to be equal follows. The article
is capped by a few general comments on
the Langlands program.
Dennis Eriksson and Ulf Persson,
Galois theory and coverings
A connection between topological
covers and Galois theory is described,
with emphasis on the case of curves.
In particular one looks at holomorphic
maps f : C æ P
ramified at only three
points which are described by so called
dessins (d’enfants). It is shown how the
Galois group Gal(
Q/Q) acts on them.