Normat 59:3-4, 97 (2011) 97
Galois 200 years
Ulf Persson
Department of Mathematics, Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
The brief life of Évariste Galois ending tragically as a consequence of an ill-advised duel
before he was even twenty-one must be known to all mathematicians. Never in the annals
of mathematics was there ever a more poignant tale of early brilliance cut short. It is
now two hundred years since he was born, and as those lines are being written more
than hundred and eighty since he died. His mathematics on the other hand is more alive
than ever. To celebrate Galois in a Normat issue in 2011 was a very natural thing to
do, and as my co-worker for this issue - Juliusz Brzezinski remarked, especially since the
bicenntennial anniversary largely seemed to go unnoticed as opposed to that of Abel ten
years ago (but Abel is the pride of a small nation, which takes well care of him).
Articles for this issue have been externally solicited as well as internally produced.
Although the initial ambition was for one issue, the amount of material turned out to
easily fill out two, with extra m aterial to be published later in due time. Thus, maybe
for the first time ever, a double issue is being produced by Normat. As the issue needed
to appear in 2011 (at least retroactively) this has held up production of Normat, but I
promise that subsequent issues will appear in quick succession. One final remark: Although
all the authors are Scandinavian, it so happened that the language of choice for the authors
turned out to be English, and hence this introduction is for the sake of uniformity also
written in English. This is a deviation from the tradition, and maybe even the mission of
Normat, but circumstances are special.
Although he twice was barred from École Polytechnique and had to be satisfied with
École Normale from which he was eventually ex pelled due to the political turbulence of
the time, one should not cast him in the role of the misunderstood genius. True Cauchy
was more negligent in his duties than even his professorial position would have condoned,
but once the work was read its importance was never in doubt. But by then Galois was
already dead.
Galois is associated with criteria for solubility of polynomial equations, where he went
well beyond his somewhat elder contemporary - Abel, but Galois theory turns out to be
concerned with so much more in modern mathematics. Wiles proof of the Fermats Last
Theorem would be impossible without it.
In this modest issue on the theme of Galois theory, we have two elementary articles
on classical topics for introductory Galois theory, namely on cubics and quartics. We also
are happy to be able to include a survey by Christian Jensen, the foremost Scandinavian
expert on Galois theory, on the inverse problem. Given a group, can we find an extension of
say Q, with that group of symmetries? Juliusz Brzezinski contributes a lengthy survey on
connections between Galois theory and number theory and is meant to be an elementary
introduction to the Langlands program. Finally Dennis Eriksson voluntered to write on
so called Dessins, elementary combinatorial encodings of coverings of P
only ramified at
three points. This shows how Galois actions also occur in geometric contexts.