Normat 60:1, 1–6 (2012) 1
A note on series of positive numbers
Jorge Jiménez Urroz
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada IV
Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya
Barcelona, 08034, España
1 Introduction
The study of series appears everywhere in Analysis. And the first issue is to know
whether the series is convergent or not. Most of the times we need to appeal to
absolute convergence and, in this way, we end up by trying to understand series of
positive numbers. There are several criteria to decide if a series of positive numbers
is convergent or not, however most of them seems to have two similar characte-
ristics: first, they come, in one way or another, from the Comparison Principle. In
certain sense, one could think that this fact is limiting our study of convergence of
series of positive numbers. Second, none of them gives equivalent conditions. For
example D’Alambert’s, Cauchy’s or Raabe’s criteria fail when the corresponding
limit is 1.
Here we present another criterion which gives an equivalent condition for the
convergence of a series of positive numbers, which in fact does not come from the
Comparison Principle. This criterion came to me when I was trying to prove to the
students that the dual of L
is L
in an elementary way, now Corollay 7 below.
By gravitation law, I came needing to prove Theorem 2. Searching and asking to
experts, one could conclude that the result is not entirely known to the experts, even
though seems a nice an useful result as one can see for the applications included
here. Even though finally some partial references, included in the bibliography,
appeared in the process it was only the referee who mentioned to me the excellent
book by de la Vallée Poussin (7). In page 432 of this book there is a result presented
as Exercise 3, that contains basically all the results presented here, as well as the
results in (1) and (3), as particular cases. In the note I include both the Exercise of
de la Vallée Poussin’s book, and also the theorem that appeared naturally to me,
together with a short, selfcontained proof, and also several applications that enlight
the power of this criterion, which could be considered as part of the standard theory
of series of positive numbers.