172 Leif Önneflod Normat 4/2012
convenience I introduce a symbol for ‘compared to’ – I suggest ‘
’ – and write
the last two comparisons as “1 foot
1 inch = +11 inch” and “3 pound
5 pound =
= ≠2 pound”. Here the plus and minus sign informs whether ‘more’ or ‘less’ applies.
(Hence less need for words.)
In the same manner we can write “1 foot
1 inch = ·12” for the first compara-
tive statement above. Apparently comparisons can be made with different methods:
an “additive” and a “multiplicative” one. To stress the difference, you may use
the symbol ‘
’ for the latter comparison and write “1 foot
1 inch = ·12”. T he
converse comparison is “1 inch
1 foot = /12”. Here ‘/12’ can be regarded as an
‘unit fraction’ (in Swedish: stambråk).
If this were all that there was to it, this would have been of minor use. However,
such elements as ‘+11’, ‘≠2’, ‘·12’ and ‘/12’, have a meaning on their own. They
are more but mere abbreviations for words. For a while, we leave comparisons and
pay our attention at elements of this kind.
Introduction of bound signs in integrated elements
It is a common notion, that an express ion like 6 ≠ 2+4 can be rewritten as
(+6) + (≠2) + (+4) (or as 6
), where the parentheses enclose positive
and negative numbers. The problem is that those “numbers” have ambiguous inter-
pretations to real-world situations.
The purpose of using parentheses, is to rule
out subtraction and make the commutative and associative law apply.
There’s another possibility of interpreting (+6) and (≠2), but as positive and
negative numbers. That is as an “increase by six”, and a “reduction by two”, re-
spectively. In stead of ‘increase’ I will use the term ‘addition’, not in the confined
mathematical sense, as it is known to us in Scandinavia, but in the more eve-
ryday sense, well-known to native English-speaking people. That is to say: here
‘addition’ © ‘increase’.
With (+6) + (≠2) + (+4) interpreted as a collection of additions and reductions,
the perspective can change from having “numbers submitted to operations” to
having “operational elements that compose”. This change is crucial. As the former
“numbers” are substituted for ‘operating elements’ like additions and reductions,
the intermediate plus signs reduce in significance. They turn from active operations
to passive signs for composition. As such, they can be omitted. This suggests we
convert (+6) + (≠2) + (+4) into +6 ≠2+4. Those new number elements, supple-
mented with what I denote ‘bound’ (appendant) leading signs, obey with ease the
commutative and associative laws. E.g. +6 ≠2=≠2+6, that is: no matter what
order additions and reductions may come.
How then, to handle parentheses in the associative law? In expressions, fully
equipped with parentheses as in ((+6) + (≠2)) + (+4) = (+6) + ((≠2) + (+4)),the
law works well, but what about “(+6 ≠2) +4 = ...” ? Neither +6(≠2+4), nor
+6 ≠(2 +4) will do the thing. As the purpose of using parentheses is grouping, and
this now is directed at irreducible elements of change – not at numbers to be com-
bined by operations yielding new numbers – we need another kind of parentheses
submitted to that new kind of grouping. For reasons to be explained later on, the
natural choice is ‘square brackets’. A grouping like [+6 ≠2] yields, not a number,
Some take this diversity for an advantage. Not so done by pupils. They often nurture an
aspiration for single interpretations, to make life easier.