48 Normat 61:1, 48 (2013)
Summary in English
Ulf Persson, Lars Hörmander
A short obituary of a legendary Swedish
mathematician focusing on his early
Osmo Pekonen, Hur matematiken
bidrog till strukturalismens uppkomst
Applications of mathematics are legio,
also in the social sciences, but in the
latter it is mostly in the form of stati-
stics. Thus it is somewhat remarkable
that also more abstract and conceptual
mathematics may enter in the so called
’softer sciences’ such as anthropology in
an honest way. The article discusses how
group theory can clarify the sophisti-
cated rules that govern intermarriage in
certain tribes. More specifically the non-
abelian group of order eight given by
the quaternions ±1, ±i, ±j, ±k plays a
crucial role. The central character is the
legendary anthropologist and mytholo-
gist Claude Lévi-Strauss who set up his
so called canonical formula, which was
given a mathematical interpretation by
his friend the Bourbakist André Weil.
R. Siegmund-Schultze, B. Øksen-
dal Johannes Lohne (1908-1993), den
glemte norske nyoppdager av Thomas
Harriot og frontkjemper for den tyske
okkupasjonsmakten under 2.verdenskrig
Thomas Harriot (1560-1621) was a bril-
liant British mathematician and phy-
sicist the true scope of whose achiev-
ments only became known much later
through the pioneering efforts of the
Norwegian historian of science - Johan-
nes Lohne. The article does not only de-
scribe the work of Harriot but also more
significantly explains how Lohne came
to discover and interpret them, which
was a highly non-trivial task. One phy-
sical example was the discovery of the
law of sine that characterizes refraction
and has traditionally been attributed to
Snellius and Descartes. A mathematical
example was the evaluation of what in
modern terms is given by
sec ◊d◊ and
of fundamental importance for the Mer-
cator projection. In the 16th century
there were no ready methods to attack
the problem, but the numerical values
Harriot was able to give were surprising-
ly accurate indicating a deep mathema-
tical understanding, further confirmed
by his studies of stere ographic projec-
tion and logarithmic spirals in connec-
tion with the above projection. Added is
a biography of Lohne himself, not shy-
ing away from the less salutary aspects
of his life.
Hans Thunberg, Tonsättaren Per
Nørgårds "oändlighetsserie" (Swedish)
This article presents a mathematical de-
scription, in terms of recursively defined
number sequences, of the algorithms de-
vised by the Danish composer Nørgård.
The ambition of the latter was to gene-
rate from a very short sequence of tones
melodies rich in symmetries and self-
similarities, melodies which could be
aperiodic and hence infinite in length.
Given the mathematical presentation a
variety of results can be formulated and
proved. Note that the well-known Thue-
Morse sequence is essentially a special