Normat 61:2, 163 (2013) 163
Summary in English
Ove Juul Munch, Tschebysche poly-
nomier i den komplekse plan (Danish)
Recalling that the Chebyshev polyno-
mials T
+ ... are the real
polynomials with leading co e cie nt 1
with minimal supnorm on the interval
[1, 1]. The author addresses the ques-
tion of finding analogues in the complex
plane, with the same property on ellip-
ses. For that purpose the author defines
for each interval I a polynomial T
and proves a striking inequality.
Ulf Persson, The Taxicab number
1729 (English)
Using the standard way of showing that
a cubic surface is rational, an explicit
parametrization of the solutions to the
diophantine equation x
+ y
= z
+ w
is eected, made notorious by Hardy’s
visit to Ramanujam on his sick-bed.
Aksel Bertelsen, Runis umulighets-
beviser og Ikosahederet (Danish)
Runi published proofs of the impos-
sibility of solving the general equation
of degree five in radicals, before eit-
her Abel or Galois were born, but the
proofs were incomplete. In this article
ideas from his version from 1799 are pre-
sented in which he inspired by Lagrange
uses symmetries and hence group theo-
retic concepts non-trivially before those
were formally identified, with the hope
that those would be accessible to cu-
rious high-school students.
T. Steihaug and D. G. Rogers,
Approximating cube roots of integers,
after Heron’s Metrica III.20 (Eng-
The article discusses at length Heron’s
numerical method to find good approxi-
mations of the cube roots of numbers
(N), given their floors and ceilings (i.e.
m, m+1 such that m
Æ N Æ (m+1)
The formula Heron came up with is
compared with others, and the analo-
gous results for square roots are derived.
Christer Kiselman, Language choice
in scientific writing: The case of mathe-
matis at Uppsala University and a Nor-
dic Journal (English)
For the first few centuries after its
founding in 1477 all lectures and dis-
sertations at Uppsala University were
of course in Latin as all over Europe.
Things changed drastically during the
century 1852-1953 when the transition
from Latin to Swedish was completed,
and then as activities became les s re-
gional French, German and finally Eng-
lish came more and more into use. In
the article this process is illustrated by
the language choices made in doctoral
theses in mathematics and in a Nordic
Christer Kiselman, Werner Fenchel,
a pioneer in convexity theory and a mi-
grant scientist (English)
Wener Fenchel was a pioneer in intro-
ducing duality into convexity theory. He
got his Ph.D. in Berlin but was forced to
leave Germany, settled in Denmark but
eventually he had to leave for Sweden,
where he spent the last two years of the
war. The article is based on a private
letter in which he sketched the histori-
cal development of the subject starting
with the Legendre transformation.
Ulf Persson, p-adic integers (English)
This is an introduction to p-adic int-
egers using the problem of long divi-
sion as a motivation. Fractions as peri-
odic expansions are discuss ed, as well
the process of taking square roots. Fi-
nally a connection between 2-adic topo-
logy and the Cantor set is presented.